Tuesday, November 29, 2011

trying to learn how to market myself

I'm amazed at what I've accomplished in 6 weeks.  I wanted to put my poetry into a book and upload it online.  I ended up creating 2 poetry ebooks and I did it all without any help.  I typed them up and did all of the formatting and even created covers with my scanner/printer.
Then I began to utilize my facebook to share the link with my friends.  I continued to add to my network of friends and got some interest in my ebooks right away.  3 copies and 38 samples between 2 books isn't bad when you consider that it's a small group and it's only been 2 weeks.
I even designed a webpage and got that up and running  (3 times actually).  And I set up this blog and a story blog to try writing a story a bit at a time online.
I'm still learning how to market myself, but I'm enthusiastic and learning more each day.


http://www.hikerauthor.com/  main webpage
http://www.hikerauthor78.blogspot.com/  current blog
http://www.theoutcast78.blogspot.com/  story blog

Friday, November 18, 2011

waiting for spring

It's almost December.  It's too late in the year to hike.  I can't wait till Spring.  Hopefully I can catch the snowmelt at Starved Rock dnr.state.il.us/lands/landmgt/parks/I&M/EAST/STARVE/PARK.HTM  Jordan and I got to see the snowmelt spring of 2010.  It was gorgeous.  The waterfalls were halfway melted, so there were columns of ice with water rushing down the middle.  It's truly a sight to go see.  But timing is everything.  Maybe I can distract myself for the next 4 months by writing about hiking and working on my novel.  lol.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I'm considering doing a series of stories and the best analogy I can think of is tv episodes.  You know, how a sitcom or a drama continues with the same cast of characters every week in a different situation.  Well I think it might be something I could try with stories.  Not sure how long it will take me to get something going, but I thought it would give my readers something to read so they don't complain about me taking forever to write my novel :)
Let me know what you think.  I have several scenarios that I'm considering for the blogisodes.  I just need a little time to build one of these into a story.  Who knows?  Maybe other indie authors will try doing this too?  That would be great for the readers, which motivate writers to write.


Just starting this blog and pretty new to this.
I have been very busy lately.  I decided a few weeks ago that I could take my folder filled with poems and make an ebook out of it.  After a little thought I decided to split it into 2 ebooks, because there are two primary themes that aren't related.  One group of poems had christian themes, and the other group had love, romance and heartbreak themes.
It took me a while to type all of these on the laptop.  I made sure to follow the formatting instructions to ensure my ebook would upload to http://www.smashwords.com/.  I also experimented with scanning in pics out of my albums to the laptop.  I found some nice pics to use, but they were too big so I adjusted the size.  Then I added a second pic to the first and left some space between for a title and my name.  For doing everything myself with no money, I am pleased with the results.
I began designing a webpage and expanding my friends on facebook.  Then I decided I was ready to upload one of the ebooks on Sunday.  I uploaded Kiss Me Tonight and didn't encounter any problems.  I set the price to .99 and then created a coupon that I shared on facebook.  So far 11 people have looked at a sample of my book and 2 people have used the coupon to get a free copy.
I'm new to marketing of any kind, but I have 39 friends on http://www.facebook.com/.  I shared the coupon code with my mother, my mother in law, and on facebook.  So with less than 100 people (probably less than 50 in reality) I was able to reach 2 people.  And that is in just 3 days time!  I must be doing something right.
I need to finish up Poetry and upload it too.  That should be ready this week or next.

Ok to sum up the important info:
I uploaded Kiss Me Tonight at www.smashwords.com/books/view/104631.  It is 13 poems about love, romance, seeking love, and heartbreak.  coupon code GP45B will let you get a copy free.
Poetry is 30 poems on christian themes.  It will be available soon.
In 3 days I got a great response from my limited number of contacts.  If I can expand my contacts and somehow get noticed, then I will have a base of readers interested in my writing.  That is my goal: to write.