Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just starting this blog and pretty new to this.
I have been very busy lately.  I decided a few weeks ago that I could take my folder filled with poems and make an ebook out of it.  After a little thought I decided to split it into 2 ebooks, because there are two primary themes that aren't related.  One group of poems had christian themes, and the other group had love, romance and heartbreak themes.
It took me a while to type all of these on the laptop.  I made sure to follow the formatting instructions to ensure my ebook would upload to  I also experimented with scanning in pics out of my albums to the laptop.  I found some nice pics to use, but they were too big so I adjusted the size.  Then I added a second pic to the first and left some space between for a title and my name.  For doing everything myself with no money, I am pleased with the results.
I began designing a webpage and expanding my friends on facebook.  Then I decided I was ready to upload one of the ebooks on Sunday.  I uploaded Kiss Me Tonight and didn't encounter any problems.  I set the price to .99 and then created a coupon that I shared on facebook.  So far 11 people have looked at a sample of my book and 2 people have used the coupon to get a free copy.
I'm new to marketing of any kind, but I have 39 friends on  I shared the coupon code with my mother, my mother in law, and on facebook.  So with less than 100 people (probably less than 50 in reality) I was able to reach 2 people.  And that is in just 3 days time!  I must be doing something right.
I need to finish up Poetry and upload it too.  That should be ready this week or next.

Ok to sum up the important info:
I uploaded Kiss Me Tonight at  It is 13 poems about love, romance, seeking love, and heartbreak.  coupon code GP45B will let you get a copy free.
Poetry is 30 poems on christian themes.  It will be available soon.
In 3 days I got a great response from my limited number of contacts.  If I can expand my contacts and somehow get noticed, then I will have a base of readers interested in my writing.  That is my goal: to write.

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